


We, Wilu and Silvia from Switzerland, have spent our vacation from 10th february to 11th march 2003 in India. Because we had so many wonderful experiences, we decided to create this homepage. We hope, that you like it and that it will help you, if you plan a travel to this fascinating country!

The navigation bar will lead you to following pages:
First you can inform yourself about our travel route. The route is drawn in a map. Below this, you will find some dates and facts concerning our travel with the public transportation facilities.
In our travel report, we tell about our experiences and adventures.
Of course we also brought home some photos. Some of them you can look at in our photo galerie.
We have visited a really great home for destitute children. If you want to know more about it, look at the page of Dreamland.
There is also a collection of links to nice pages about India and travelling in general.
If there are still questions, please send us an email.
And if you liked our homepage, please write something in our guest book!